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Pocket mask

Pocket mask

A pocket mask, also known as a pocket face mask or CPR mask, is a device used to deliver rescue breaths during a cardiac or respiratory arrest safely. It is a small, portable device that can be carried in a pocket or bag and used in emergencies. The pocket mask is designed to provide a barrier between the rescuer and the patient to prevent the transfer of saliva, vomit, and other bodily fluids.

The pocket mask consists of three main components: a one-way valve, a filter, and a face shield. The one-way valve is designed to allow air to flow in one direction only, from the rescuer to the patient. This prevents the rescuer from inhaling any of the patient’s exhaled air, which may contain infectious particles. The filter is designed to filter out any particles that may be present in the air, such as dust, pollen, and bacteria. The face shield is designed to protect the rescuer from potential bodily fluids splashes.

When using a pocket mask, the rescuer should place it over the patient’s mouth and nose and secure it with the straps. The rescuer should then pinch the patient’s nose closed and give two rescue breaths. The rescuer should then check for signs of life, such as chest rise and fall, and breathing. If the patient is not breathing, the rescuer should begin chest compressions.

Pocket masks are important for rescuers to have in their emergency kits. They are easy to use and can be used in various emergencies. It is important to remember that the pocket mask should only be used when the rescuer is trained and certified in CPR and AED use.


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  • American Red Cross. (2020). Pocket Mask. Retrieved from
  • American Heart Association. (2020). Pocket Mask. Retrieved from
  • National Health Service. (2020). Pocket Mask. Retrieved from